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This entry was published on 2021-12-31
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Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE D

Section 19.01 Declaration of policy.

19.03 Definitions.

19.06 Advisory council on underage alcohol consumption and

youth substance abuse.

19.07 Office of alcoholism and substance abuse services; scope

of responsibilities.

19.09 Powers of the office and commissioner; how exercised.

19.10 Status of facilities.

19.11 Organization and administration of the office of

alcoholism and substance abuse services and its


19.13 Local services.

19.14 Civil actions against certain officers and employees of

the office.

19.15 Programs of the office of alcoholism and substance abuse


19.16 Methadone Registry.

19.17 Programs, services, and operation of facilities in the

office of alcoholism and substance abuse services.

19.18-b Certified peer recovery advocate services program.

19.18-c Corrections-based substance use disorder treatment and

transition services.

19.19 Personnel of the office.

19.20 Review of criminal history information concerning

certain prospective employees and volunteers.

19.20-a Review of criminal history information concerning

prospective providers, operators and individuals

seeking to be credentialed by the office.

19.21 Programs, services, and operation of facilities

certified or licensed by the office of alcoholism and

substance abuse services; temporary emergency

operating certificates and licenses.

19.23 Education and training.

19.25 Alcohol awareness program.

19.27 Methamphetamine awareness and education program.

19.28 Receipt and disbursement of federal funds.

19.29 Gifts.

19.31 Medication assisted treatment training requirement.

19.35 Actions against persons rendering professional services

at the request of the office; defense and


19.40 Provision of chemical dependence services.

19.41 Facilities; receivership.

19.42 Medical advisory panel.

19.43 Retaliatory personnel actions.

19.45 Substance use disorder education and recovery grants.

19.45*2 The council for treatment equity.