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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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State and municipal officers and employees granted leaves of absence on July fourth in certain cases
Military (MIL) CHAPTER 36, ARTICLE 11
§ 249. State and municipal officers and employees granted leaves of
absence on July fourth in certain cases. Each officer and employee of
the state or of a municipal corporation or of any other political
subdivision thereof who was a member of the national guard or naval
militia or a member of the reserve corps at a time when the United
States was not at war and who (i) has been honorably discharged
therefrom, or (ii) has a qualifying condition, as defined in section one
of the veterans' services law, and has received a discharge other than
bad conduct or dishonorable from such service, or (iii) is a discharged
LGBT veteran, as defined in section one of the veterans' services law,
and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from
such service, shall, in so far as practicable, be entitled to absent
himself or herself from duties or service, with pay, on July fourth of
each year. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or
local law or the provisions of any city charter, no such officer or
employee shall be subjected by any person whatever directly or
indirectly by reason of such absence to any loss or diminution of
vacation or holiday privilege or be prejudiced by reason of such absence
with reference to promotion or continuance in office or employment or to
reappointment to office or to re-employment.