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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Exercise of rights under this article not to affect certain future financial transactions
Military (MIL) CHAPTER 36, ARTICLE 13
§ 313-a. Exercise of rights under this article not to affect certain
future financial transactions. Application by a person in military
service for, or receipt by a person in military service of, a stay,
postponement or suspension pursuant to the provisions of this article in
the payment of any tax, fine, penalty, insurance premium, or other civil
obligation or liability of that person shall not itself, without regard
to other considerations, provide the basis for any of the following:

1. A determination by any lender or other person that such person in
military service is unable to pay such civil obligation or liability in
accordance with its terms.

2. With respect to a credit transaction between a creditor and such
person in military service: (a) a denial or revocation of credit by the
creditor; (b) a change by the creditor in the terms of an existing
credit arrangement; or (c) a refusal by the creditor to grant credit to
such person in substantially the amount or on substantially the terms

3. An adverse report relating to the creditworthiness of such person
in military service by or to any person or entity engaged in the
practice of assembling or evaluating consumer credit information.

4. A refusal by an insurer to insure such person.