Policy of the state
Military (MIL) CHAPTER 36, ARTICLE 13
§ 318. Policy of the state. 1. It is hereby declared to be the policy
of the state that citizens and residents of the state should not be
discriminated against because they are subject to military duty pursuant
to this chapter or the laws of the United States or both; and that
persons doing business in the state should not refuse to employ such
persons because they are so subject to military duty.
2. (a) No person shall solicit, require, demand or otherwise request
that a person waive any of his or her rights under this article, whether
existing at that time or thereafter to accrue.
(b) Any person who shall knowingly violate paragraph (a) of this
subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by
imprisonment not to exceed one year, or by fine not to exceed one
thousand dollars, or both such imprisonment and fine, and shall be
further subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed five
thousand dollars for each occurrence. Such penalty may be recovered in
an action brought by the attorney general in any court of competent
(c) Any waiver entered into in violation of this subdivision shall not
be deemed to be binding on any person in military service who executed
such waiver.
of the state that citizens and residents of the state should not be
discriminated against because they are subject to military duty pursuant
to this chapter or the laws of the United States or both; and that
persons doing business in the state should not refuse to employ such
persons because they are so subject to military duty.
2. (a) No person shall solicit, require, demand or otherwise request
that a person waive any of his or her rights under this article, whether
existing at that time or thereafter to accrue.
(b) Any person who shall knowingly violate paragraph (a) of this
subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by
imprisonment not to exceed one year, or by fine not to exceed one
thousand dollars, or both such imprisonment and fine, and shall be
further subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed five
thousand dollars for each occurrence. Such penalty may be recovered in
an action brought by the attorney general in any court of competent
(c) Any waiver entered into in violation of this subdivision shall not
be deemed to be binding on any person in military service who executed
such waiver.