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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public halls
Multiple Residence (MRE) CHAPTER 61-B, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 1
§ 207. Public halls. 1. Every public vestibule or other public hall
shall comply either with the applicable provisions of section two
hundred fifty-eight for non-fireproof dwellings, or with all of the
following provisions:

a. Every such public vestibule or hall shall be everywhere at least
three feet eight inches in clear width and shall be separated from all
other parts of the dwelling by fireproof floors and walls.

b. All openings from such a public vestibule or hall to stairs,
fire-stairs, shafts, apartments or suites shall be protected by
fire-proof doors and assemblies, with the doors self-closing, except
that such doors and assemblies shall not be required in any transiently
or temporarily occupied fireproof dwelling for any apartment consisting
of one room opening directly upon a public hall.

c. Such a public vestibule or hall shall not be required to have a
window, but if it does not have a window opening to the outer air it
shall be equipped for artificial lighting and ventilation.

d. Any part of a public hall that is shut off from any other part of
such hall by a door or doors shall be deemed a separate hall.