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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Multiple Residence (MRE) CHAPTER 61-B, ARTICLE 8
§ 301. Permits. 1. It shall be unlawful to commence the construction
or alteration of a multiple dwelling or any part or section thereof, or
of any building or structure on the same lot with such a dwelling, or
the alteration or conversion of a building for use as a multiple
dwelling, or the moving of a dwelling from one lot to another, until an
application or plans have been filed in and a permit issued by the
department. The department shall have the power to charge and collect a
reasonable fee for each application filed and for each permit issued.

2. No person shall be recognized as the agent of the owner unless he
shall file with the department a written instrument, signed by the
owner, designating him as such agent. Upon the filing of such
instrument, the person designated therein as such agent shall be deemed
to be and shall be known as the certified agent of the owner.

3. The department shall have power to issue, refuse, revoke or cancel
any permit or approval in case of any failure to comply with any of the
provisions of this chapter, or in case any false allegation or
representation is made in any plans or statements submitted or filed for
such permit or approval. If such permit is refused, revoked or
cancelled, the reason for such action shall be recorded by the

4. All plans, statements and permits filed in any department shall be
public records and shall not be destroyed or removed from the