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This entry was published on 2019-11-08
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Unlawful occupation
Multiple Residence (MRE) CHAPTER 61-B, ARTICLE 8
§ 302-a. Unlawful occupation. 1. If any dwelling or structure be
occupied in whole or in part for human habitation in violation of
section three hundred two of this article, no rent shall be recovered by
the owner of such premises for said period, and no action for possession
of said premises for nonpayment of such rent shall be maintained

2. The department charged with the enforcement of this chapter may
cause to be vacated any dwelling or any part thereof which contains a
nuisance as defined in section three hundred five of this article, or is
occupied by more families or persons than permitted in this chapter, or
is erected, altered or occupied contrary to law. Any such dwelling shall
not again be occupied until it or its occupancy, as the case may be, has
been made to conform to law.