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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Special provisions relating to speed on Sodus Bay
Navigation (NAV) CHAPTER 37, ARTICLE 4, PART 1
* § 45-aaaa. Special provisions relating to speed on Sodus Bay. 1. No
vessel shall be operated within that area of the Sodus Bay Channel and
Sodus Bay bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Sodus outer
light at the north-westerly most point of the west breakwall of the
Sodus Bay Channel and running thence southerly to the south-west corner
of such breakwall; thence running south-westerly along the shoreline of
Sodus Point; thence south-easterly along the shoreline of Sand Point to
the easterly most point on said Sand Point, said point being more
specifically defined as latitude 431558, longitude 765814; thence
northerly across Sodus Bay to a point on the east breakwall, said point
more specifically being defined as latitude 43Á16'4", longitude
76Á58'3"; thence westerly along said breakwall to the south-west corner
and then northerly along the east pier to the east pier light on the
Sodus Bay Channel; thence north-westerly to the point in place of
beginning in a manner or at a speed that causes a wake that unreasonably
interferes with or endangers a dock, pier, raft, float, anchored or
moored vessel or swimmer but in no event at a speed exceeding five miles
per hour.

2. For the purpose of complying with the provisions of this section,
the sheriff of the county of Wayne is directed to place buoy markers on
that portion of Sodus Bay between the easterly most point of Sand Point
and the point on east breakwall which is the termination of the zone
established above for the purpose of advising users of the bay of the
existence of the limited speed zone established herein.

3. Any person who operates a vessel in violation of any of the
provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation punishable as
set forth in section seventy-three-c of this article.

4. Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting any town
or county from adopting or enacting any local laws, resolutions or
ordinances related to persons operating a vessel within its limits, but
no such municipality shall have the power to make less restrictive any
of such provisions.

* NB There are 2 § 45-aaaa's