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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Accidents; police authorities, bay constables and coroners to report
Navigation (NAV) CHAPTER 37, ARTICLE 4, PART 1
§ 47-a. Accidents; police authorities, bay constables and coroners to
report. 1. Every police officer, bay constable or judicial officer
receiving information of an accident involving a vessel, including, but
not limited to, rowboats and canoes, in which any person is killed,
injured or disappears under the water shall immediately investigate the
facts, or cause the same to be investigated, make a written memorandum
of the information received, and such additional facts relating to the
accident as may come to his or her knowledge, and mail the same within
five days to the commissioner and keep a record thereof in his or her
office, provided, however, that the report of the accident is made to
the police officer, bay constable or judicial officer within five days
after such accident. Every coroner, or other official performing like
functions, shall likewise make a report to the commissioner with respect
to all deaths found to have been the result of vessel accidents.

2. Every police officer, bay constable or judicial officer receiving
information of an accident involving a vessel, including, but not
limited to, rowboats and canoes, in which damage in excess of one
thousand dollars to the property of any person is sustained shall make a
written memorandum of the information received, and such additional
facts relating to the accident as may come to his or her knowledge, and
mail the same within five days to the commissioner and keep a record
thereof in his or her office.

3. In accordance with any request duly made by an authorized official
or agency of the United States, any information compiled by or otherwise
available to the commissioner pursuant to this section shall be
transmitted to such official or agency of the United States.