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This entry was published on 2024-06-21
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Suspension of certificate of inspection; penalty for operating a vessel without a certificate of inspection or during suspension
Navigation (NAV) CHAPTER 37, ARTICLE 4, PART 2
* § 63-a. Suspension of certificate of inspection; penalty for
operating a vessel without a certificate of inspection or during
suspension. The inspector may suspend a certificate of inspection issued
pursuant to the provisions of this article upon satisfactory proof that
operation of the vessel poses a risk to public safety. Prior to
suspending the certificate of inspection, the inspector shall give
written notice of the defects to the owner and describe how those
defects pose a risk to public safety. The inspector may suspend the
certificate of inspection until such time as the inspector is satisfied
that operation of the vessel does not pose a risk to public safety. An
owner who permits the operation of a vessel which has not been issued a
certificate of inspection or whose certificate of inspection has been
suspended shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as set forth in
section seventy-three-b of this article for each day of operation of the
vessel with a suspended certificate of inspection.

* NB Effective September 12, 2024