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This entry was published on 2019-11-15
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List of directors, officers and key persons
Not-for-Profit Corporation (NPC) CHAPTER 35, ARTICLE 7
§ 718. List of directors, officers and key persons.

(a) If a member or creditor of a corporation, in person or by his
attorney or agent, or a representative of the district attorney or of
the secretary of state, the attorney general, or other state official,
makes a written demand on a corporation to inspect a current list of its
directors, officers and key persons, the corporation shall, within two
business days after receipt of the demand and for a period of one week
thereafter, make the list available for such inspection at its office
during usual business hours.

(b) Upon refusal by the corporation to make a current list of its
directors, officers and key persons available, as provided in paragraph
(a) of this section, the person making a demand for such list may apply,
ex parte, to the supreme court at a special term held within the
judicial district where the office of the corporation is located for an
order directing the corporation to make such list available. The court
may grant such order or take such other action as it may deem just and