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This entry was published on 2023-01-06
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Authorization of amendment or change, class vote
Not-for-Profit Corporation (NPC) CHAPTER 35, ARTICLE 8
ยง 802. Authorization of amendment or change, class vote.

(a) Amendment or change of the certificate of incorporation shall be

(1) If there are members entitled to vote thereon, by majority vote of
such members at a meeting as provided in paragraph (c) of section 613
(Vote of members).

(2) If there are no members entitled to vote thereon, by vote of a
majority of the entire board.

(b) Notwithstanding any provision in the certificate of incorporation
or by-laws, members of a class shall be entitled to vote and to vote as
a class upon the authorization of an amendment and, in addition to the
authorization of the amendment required by paragraph (a) (1), the
amendment shall be authorized by majority vote of the members of the
class, when the proposed amendment would exclude or limit their right to
vote on any matter except as such right may be limited by voting rights
given to members of an existing class or of a new class.

(c) Any one or more of the following changes may be authorized by or
pursuant to authorization of the board:

(1) To specify or change the location of the office of the

(2) To specify or change the post office address to which the
secretary of state shall mail a copy of any process against the
corporation served upon him.

(3) To make, revoke or change the designation of a registered agent,
or to specify or change the address of its registered agent.

(4) To specify, change or delete the email address to which the
secretary of state shall email a notice of the fact that process against
the corporation has been electronically served upon him or her.

(d) This section shall not alter the vote required under any other
section for the authorization of an amendment referred to therein, nor
alter the authority of the board to authorize amendments under any other