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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Restated certificate of incorporation
Not-for-Profit Corporation (NPC) CHAPTER 35, ARTICLE 8
ยง 805. Restated certificate of incorporation.

(a) A corporation, when authorized by the board, may restate in a
single certificate the text of its certificate of incorporation without
making any amendment or change thereby, except that it may include any
one or more of the amendments or changes which may be authorized by the
board without a vote of members under this chapter. Alternatively, a
corporation may restate in a single certificate the text of its
certificate of incorporation as amended thereby to effect any one or
more of the amendments or changes authorized by this chapter, when
authorized as required by section 802 (Authorization of amendment or
change, class vote).

(b) A restated certificate of incorporation, entitled "Restated
certificate of incorporation of .................... (name of
corporation) under section 805 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law",
shall be signed and delivered to the department of state. It shall set

(1) The name of the corporation and, if it has been changed, the name
under which it was formed.

(2) The date its certificate of incorporation was filed by the
department of state.

(3) If the restated certificate restates the text of the certificate
of incorporation without making any amendment or change, then a
statement that the text of the certificate of incorporation is thereby
restated without amendment or change to read as therein set forth in

(4) If the restated certificate restates the text of the certificate
of incorporation as amended or changed thereby, then a statement that
the certificate of incorporation is amended or changed to effect one or
more of the amendments or changes authorized by this chapter, specifying
each such amendment or change and that the text of the certificate of
incorporation is thereby restated as amended or changed to read as
therein set forth in full.

(5) The manner in which the restatement of the certificate of
incorporation was authorized.

(c) A restated certificate need not include statements as to the
incorporator or incorporators, or the first directors.

(d) Any amendment or change under this section shall be subject to any
other section, not inconsistent with this section, which would be
applicable if a separate certificate were filed to effect such amendment
or change.

(e) Notwithstanding that the corporation would be required by any
statute to secure from any supreme court justice, governmental body or
officer, or other person or body, any consent or approval to the filing
of its certificate of incorporation or a certificate of amendment, such
consent or approval shall not be required with respect to the restated
certificate if such certificate makes no amendment and if any previously
required consent or approval had been secured.

(f) Upon filing by the department, the original certificate of
incorporation shall be superseded and the restated certificate of
incorporation, including any amendments and changes made thereby, shall
be the certificate of incorporation of the corporation.