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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (PAR) CHAPTER 36-B, TITLE E, ARTICLE 27
§ 27.01 Enforcement. Every peace officer, who is acting pursuant to
his special duties, police officer, conservation officer in the
department of environmental conservation, and such employees of the
office as may be designated by the commissioner, shall enforce the
provisions of this chapter, articles forty-seven and forty-eight of the
vehicle and traffic law, and the laws, ordinances, rules, regulations
and orders enacted or promulgated thereunder. Such enforcement officers
shall be authorized to issue an appearance ticket or, in lieu thereof, a
uniform appearance ticket and simplified information as provided in
section 27.03, for any violation of this chapter, articles forty-seven
and forty-eight of the vehicle and traffic law, or rule, regulation,
local law or ordinance adopted thereunder.