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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (PAR) CHAPTER 36-B, TITLE B, ARTICLE 5
§ 5.01 Council. There shall continue to be in the office a state
council of parks and outdoor recreation, to be hereafter called the
state council of parks, recreation and historic preservation. The
commissioner shall be a member of the council and shall coordinate the
functions and activities of the office with those of the council. In
addition, the council shall consist of the commissioner of environmental
conservation, the chairmen of the several regional park, recreation and
historic preservation commissions, the chairman of the state board on
historic preservation and the president of the Palisades interstate park
commission if such president is a resident of the state of New York, and
otherwise a resident member of such commission who shall be designated
by the members of such commission who are residents of this state. No
member of the council or his representative shall receive any
compensation for his services as such, but each member or his
representative shall be entitled to receive his actual and necessary
expenses in performing the duties of his office.