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Members of authority
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 2
* § 1027. Members of authority. The members, constituting the board of
directors of the authority, shall consist of not exceeding five persons,
to be appointed by the board of supervisors of Albany county. Three
members shall when appointed be residents of the city of Albany and
shall be appointed by such board on designation of the mayor of such
city. The term of office of a member shall be five years, but in the
first instance such members shall be appointed to hold office, one for
one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years and
one for five years, the term of each to be fixed by the resolution
making the appointment. Upon resignation of a member, or a vacancy
occurring in any other manner, it shall be filled by appointment for the
unexpired term. In other respects all vacancies shall be filled in
manner corresponding to the original appointment. Each member before
entering upon the duties of his office shall take the constitutional
oath of office, which shall be filed in the office of the secretary of
state. Three directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business and the concurrence of three directors at a meeting shall be
necessary to the validity of any resolution, order or determination. Any
member may be removed by the board of supervisors for inefficiency,
neglect of duty or misconduct in office, after a hearing upon charges
and an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel upon not less
than ten days' notice. The members shall receive such salary as shall be
determined by the board of supervisors of the county. They shall receive
no reimbursement for the ordinary expenses of attending meetings, but
may by resolution of the board of directors be allowed their expenses of
a special or extraordinary nature. A member may receive additional
compensation to be fixed by the board of directors, if appointed an
officer of the authority. The directors of the authority may appoint an
executive committee of not less than three members and may delegate full
powers to such committee. They may appoint such other committees of not
less than three members each with such powers as they may provide. They
may elect one of the members as a president and may elect or appoint
other officers and determine their powers. They may by a vote of a
majority of members adopt by-laws and provide for their annual and
regular meetings and for the calling of special meetings. The treasurer
of the county of Albany shall be ex-officio treasurer of the authority
and his compensation as such treasurer shall be fixed by the board of

* NB Terminated July 1, 1963