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Power to contract with municipalities within district
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 2
* § 1033. Power to contract with municipalities within district. The
authority shall also have power to contract with the governing body of
any municipality within the district with a view to the construction,
acquisition, maintenance and operation of any such service for or within
such municipality and except in the case of towns when so authorized by
the board of supervisors it shall not have power to furnish any such
service within any municipality except by agreement with the governing
body thereof. In any such contract with a municipality the authority may
agree with respect to the rates for services and any other matters
necessary or incidental to construction, acquisition, maintenance and
operation therein. It may, if it seems to it necessary or proper,
provide for the collection of its revenue by the municipality and for an
accounting between it and the municipality, and for compensation to the
municipality for its services. It may likewise, with the approval of the
board of supervisors, agree upon a basis by which all or any part of its
properties, rights and interests in such municipality, including any
properties taken or held in the name of the county, may thereafter be
acquired by and transferred to such municipality. In any agreement as to
rates, the power shall be deemed to be reserved, whether or not
expressed, to charge adequate rates to properly operate and maintain any
such service and to pay any bonds and other obligations of the
authority, including any obligation to the county under this title.

* NB Terminated July 1, 1963