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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Records; prima facie evidence
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 9
§ 1217. Records; prima facie evidence. The record of the proceedings
of the authority and of the board of transportation, the records and
printed minutes of the transit commission, of the former transit
construction commissioner, of the former public service commission for
the first district, and of the former board of rapid transit railroad
commissioners, transferred to the authority, or certified copies
thereof, shall be prima facie evidence of the proceedings of the
authority, of the board of transportation, of the transit commission, of
the former transit construction commissioner, of the former public
service commission for the first district, or of the former board of
rapid transit railroad commissioners, as the case may be, in respect to
matters concerning which such records or minutes relate. Certified
copies of such records or papers shall in like manner constitute prima
facie evidence.