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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 3
§ 1376. Definitions. As used in this title, unless a different meaning
clearly appears from the context:

(1) The term "district" shall mean the Ogdensburg port authority
district created by section thirteen hundred seventy-seven of this

(2) The term "authority" shall mean the corporation created by section
thirteen hundred seventy-eight of this title.

(3) The term "board" shall mean the members of the authority.

(4) The term "bonds" shall mean bonds issued by the authority pursuant
to this title.

(5) The term "city" shall mean the city of Ogdensburg.

(6) The term "port facilities" shall mean, among other things, wharfs,
docks, refrigerating plants, warehouses, elevators, freight-handling
piers, terminals, railroad tracks or terminals, cold storage and
machinery and such equipment as is used in the handling of freight and
the establishment and operation of a port, and work of deepening parts
of the St. Lawrence river within the port district, and any other works,
properties, buildings, structures or other facilities necessary or
desirable in connection with the development and operation of port
facilities in the district.

(7) The term "common council" shall mean the common council of the

(8) The term "mayor" shall mean the mayor of the city.

(9) The term "Industrial Project" shall mean a project designed and
intended for the purpose of providing facilities for manufacturing,
warehousing, research, business or other industrial or commercial
purposes, including but not limited to machinery and equipment deemed
necessary for the operation thereof (excluding raw materials, work in
process or stock in trade), on land acquired or to be acquired by the
authority for the establishment of an industrial park.