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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Termination of the authority
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 7, TITLE 14
* § 1599-q. Termination of the authority. Whenever all of the bonds
issued by the authority shall have been redeemed or canceled, and all
its liabilities met or discharged, and the termination date of its
corporate existence as set forth in section fifteen hundred
ninety-nine-c of this title shall have been reached, the authority shall
cease to exist and all rights, titles and interests and all obligations
and liabilities thereof vested in or possessed by the authority shall
thereupon vest in and be possessed by the city of Binghamton.

* NB Authority ceased to exist 12/31/99

* NB There are 4 § 1599-q's