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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Exemption from taxation
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 4
* § 211. Exemption from taxation. The construction, maintenance and
operation of Bethpage park is in all respects for the benefit of the
people of the state of New York for the increase of their pleasure,
convenience and welfare and for the improvement of their health, and the
authority shall be regarded as performing a governmental function in
carrying out its corporate purpose and shall be required to pay no taxes
or assessments of any kind whatsoever upon any of the property acquired
by it, which said property shall be exempt from taxation so long as the
same is owned or possessed by the authority, or upon its activities in
the operation and maintenance of Bethpage park or upon any revenues or
other income received by it, and any mortgage of real property executed,
given or made by the authority shall be exempt from any tax imposed on
the recording thereof and any person or corporation owning any debt or
obligation of the authority secured by any mortgage of its real property
shall be exempt from any tax on the recording of such mortgage. Nothing
in this section shall be construed, however, to impress any trust upon
such property as such or to limit the absolute character of any title
which may be derived through the authority by sale or the foreclosure of
any lien or mortgage thereon.

* NB (Abolished in 1975)