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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Reporting requirements
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 10-A, TITLE 2
§ 3155. Reporting requirements. 1. The foundation shall submit an
annual report, beginning on the first of February, two thousand seven,
to the governor, the speaker of the assembly, and the temporary
president of the senate on the operations and accomplishments of: (a)
each program it administers, (b) all programs authorized by this
article, and (c) in cooperation with the urban development corporation,
the centers of excellence created by section three of part T of chapter
eighty-four of the laws of two thousand two.

2. The annual report shall provide, but not be limited to, the
following information:

(a) for the research development program and the James D. Watson
investigator program, authorized under sections two hundred nine-p and
two hundred nine-s of the executive law, the amount of the award, the
name of the institution receiving the award, the name of the faculty
member or investigator hired and his or her significant academic
accomplishments, the research funds awarded and the number of graduate
students or research personnel collaborating with the award recipient;

(b) for each award under all other programs:

(i) the amount of state funds and any federal, local, or private
matching funds, including in-kind contributions;

(ii) a description of the project and any activities undertaken
including, if applicable, the identification of any collaborating
private sector partners;

(iii) the number of full-time public, private, and nonprofit sector
jobs created and/or retained in the state as a direct result of
activities undertaken with state funds, and the methodology utilized to
determine such number;

(iv) the number of start-up businesses created and existing businesses
assisted as a direct or indirect result of the award;

(v) the extent to which the project has or will lead to an increase in
the pool of venture capital for a specific technology that is of
importance to the industry in this state;

(vi) the actual or anticipated invention, development, or refinement
of any new products and processes with commercial application of
importance to the industries in the state;

(vii) any outreach to the surrounding communities to encourage or
accommodate economic growth;

(viii) a description of any relationships with elementary and
secondary schools and community colleges designed to foster student
interest in scientific and technical careers or provide workforce

(ix) the terms of each research sponsorship agreement, intellectual
property ownership agreement, intellectual property license agreement,
or any other agreements entered into between the state funded research
institutions and each research partner in the preceding calendar year
regarding any provisions for financial return to the university, the
state and to research partners, including, but not limited to, the
amount of up front royalty income to the state funded institution, any
milestone payments due to the state funded institution, and, the
percentage of royalties due to the state funded institutions;

(x) number of patents awarded to the college or university as a direct
result of research related to the award and income generated from the
licensure or sale of such intellectual property; and

(xi) any other information deemed appropriate by the director.