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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Names and designations of thruway sections and connections
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 9
§ 356-a. Names and designations of thruway sections and connections.
To facilitate travel thereon, certain sections and connections of the
thruway may be adequately marked by lettering, devices, emblems or signs
by the authority to afford the following designations:

1. The thruway constructed along the routes described in subdivisions
one, two, three, four and five of section three hundred fifty-six of
this article shall be known as "The Iroquois Trail".

2. The thruway constructed along the route described in subdivision
six of section three hundred fifty-six of this article shall be known as
"The Erie Path".

3. The thruway constructed along the route described in subdivision
seven of section three hundred fifty-six of this article shall be known
as "The Mohican Path".

4. The thruway constructed along the route described in subdivision
eight of section three hundred fifty-six of this article shall be known
as "The Tuscarora Path".

5. The thruway constructed along the route described in subdivision
nine of section three hundred fifty-six of this article shall be known
as "The Algonquin Path".