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This entry was published on 2015-04-17
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Sharing employees, services and resources
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 9
§ 357-b. Sharing employees, services and resources. A shared services
agreement may be executed between the authority and the department only
for an emergency situation or extreme weather conditions, to share
employees, services or resources as deemed appropriate including, but
not limited to, for the performance of work and activities by the
department on the facilities and property under the jurisdiction of the
authority, and for the performance of work and activities by the
authority on the facilities and property under the jurisdiction of the
department. Such agreement or any project undertaken pursuant to such
agreement shall not be deemed to impair the rights of bondholders and
may provide for, but not be limited to, the management, supervision and
direction of such employees' performance of such services. Such
agreement shall provide that the term shall not be longer than ten days.
All shared employees shall remain employees of their respective
employers and all applicable collectively bargained agreements shall
remain in effect for the entire length of the shared service agreement.
Further, such shared services agreement shall not amend, repeal or
replace the terms of any agreement that is collectively negotiated
between an employer and an employee organization, including an agreement
or interest arbitration award made pursuant to article fourteen of the
civil service law.