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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Transfer of applications, proceedings, approvals, and permits
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 10-C, TITLE 6
§ 3644. Transfer of applications, proceedings, approvals, and permits.
1. Any application, review, or process in relation to or in furtherance
of the purposes of or contemplated by this title heretofore filed or
undertaken, or any proceeding heretofore commenced, or any
determination, finding, or award made, by the county or by the county
with the federal government, the state department of health, or any
other public corporation shall inure to and for the benefit of the
corporation to the same extent and in the same manner as if the
corporation has been a party to such application, review, process, or
proceeding from its inception, and the corporation shall be deemed a
party thereto, to the extent not prohibited by any federal law. Any
license, approval, permit, determination, finding, award, or decision
heretofore or hereafter issued or granted pursuant to or as a result of
any such application, review, process, or proceeding shall inure to the
benefit of and be binding upon the corporation and shall be assigned and
transferred by the county to the corporation, unless such assignment and
transfer is prohibited by federal law.

2. All such applications, proceedings, licenses, approvals, permits,
determinations, findings, awards, and decisions shall further inure to
and for the benefit of and be binding upon any person leasing,
acquiring, financing, constructing, maintaining, operating, using, or
occupying any facility transferred by the county to the corporation
pursuant to this title.