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This entry was published on 2018-10-05
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Ceremonial designation of the Bear Mountain bridge
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 2
§ 526-b. Ceremonial designation of the Bear Mountain bridge. 1. The
Bear Mountain bridge, as defined in subdivision seven of section five
hundred twenty-six of this title, shall be designated and known as the
"Purple Heart Veterans Memorial Bridge".

2. The chairman of the New York State Bridge Authority shall provide
for the installation and maintenance of adequate signing of the state
highway system as designated pursuant to subdivision one of this
section. However, to avoid confusion and to limit any possible
disruption of commerce, the designation called for pursuant to
subdivision one of this section shall be one of ceremonial nature and
the official name of such bridge shall not be changed as a result of
this act.