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Board of directors
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 4, TITLE 2
§ 827. Board of directors. The board of directors of the authority,
hereinafter in this title referred to as "the board," shall consist of
seventeen voting members, as follows: The commissioner of agriculture
and markets or the commissioner's representative. The board of
supervisors of each of the counties in the district shall each name
directors as follows: Onondaga, three; Oswego, two; Cayuga, two;
Madison, two; Cortland, one; Oneida, one, and Wayne, one. Additionally,
the following shall have appointments to the board: the county executive
of Onondaga county, two; and the mayor of the city of Syracuse, two; One
member from each of the above-named counties may be either a producer or
non-producer of agricultural products; the other members named by the
board of supervisors of the counties in the district entitled to
additional directors shall be persons engaged in farming and deriving a
greater part of their income therefrom, and all such appointments made
after May first, nineteen hundred forty-four, shall be producers who
actually sell all or part of their produce on the Central New York
Regional Market.

Each member shall continue as a member during the pleasure of the body
appointing such member, and upon a vacancy occurring by the filing with
the secretary of the authority of a duly certified copy of the
resolution signifying that an appointment has been terminated, or upon
resignation of a member, or a vacancy occurring in any other manner, it
shall be filled in a manner corresponding to the original appointment.
Each member shall, before entering upon the duties of office, take the
constitutional oath of office and file the same in the office of the
secretary of state. One more than one half of the duly qualified members
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and shall be
necessary to the validity of any resolution, order or, determination.
Any member may be removed by the governor for inefficiency, neglect of
duty or misconduct in office, after a hearing upon charges and an
opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel upon not less than ten
days' notice. The members shall not receive a salary or other
compensation, but shall be paid actual expenses incurred in attending
meetings of the board and in performing committee work assigned to them
by the board. Expenses for travel shall not exceed the per mile rate
allowed state employees for use of personal cars. Expenses of a special
or extraordinary nature may be allowed by resolution of the board.