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Miscellaneous Authorities
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A

Title 4. Dormitory Authority (§§ 1675-1694).

4-A. Small Business Concerns Set-Aside Purchases And Contracts

For Property And Services At the Hostos Community

College (§§ 1695--1699-a).

4-A*. Small Business Concerns Set-Aside Purchases And Contracts

For Property And Services At The Bronx Community College

(§§ 1695*--1699-a*)

4-B. Health Care Financing Consolidation Act

(§§ 1699-d--1699-j)

4-C. Small Business Concerns Set-Aside Purchases And Contracts

For Property And Services At The Medgar Evers College,

City University of New York (§§ 1699-m--1699-r).

6. The New York City School Construction Authority Act

(§§ 1725-1748).

8. New York Job Development Authority (§§ 1800-1838).

9. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

(§§ 1850-1884).

9-A. Green Jobs-Green New York Program (§§ 1890--1899-a).

9-B. Clean Energy Resources Development and Incentives Program

(§§ 1900-1905).

9-C. Clean Energy Outreach and Community Planning Program

(§§ 1910-1914).

10-B. Upper Mohawk Valley Memorial Auditorium Authority

(§§ 1940--1949-k).

11. Troy Industrial Development Authority (§§ 1950-1969).

12. Battery Park City Authority (§§ 1970-1988).

13. Onondaga County Solid Waste Disposal Authority

(§§ 2015-2037).

13-AA. Montgomery, Otsego, Schoharie Solid Waste Management

Authority (§§ 2041--2041-x).

13-B. Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency

(§§ 2045-a--2045-x).

13-C. Town of Islip Resource Recovery Agency

(§§ 2046-a--2046-u).

13-D. Dutchess County Resource Recovery Agency

(§§ 2047-a--2047-x).

13-F. Town of North Hempstead Solid Waste Management Authority

(§§ 2049-a--2049-x).

13-FF. Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Management Authority

(§§ 2049-aa--2049-yy).

13-G. Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency

(§§ 2050-a--2050-z).

13-H. Eastern Rensselaer County Solid Waste Management Authority

(§§ 2050-aa--2050-yy).

13-I. County of Franklin Solid Waste Management Authority

(§§ 2051-a--2051-x).

13-L. Oneida County Sports Facility Authority Act

(§§ 2052-a--2052-s).

13-M. Rockland County Solid Waste Management Authority

(§§ 2053-a--2053-z).

14. *Broome County Sports Center Authority (§§ 2050-2069).

* NB Authority dissolved September 1, 1977

15. Auburn Industrial Development Authority

(§§ 2300-2338).

17. State of New York Mortgage Agency Act

(§§ 2400--2429-f).

18. State of New York Municipal Bond Bank Agency Act

(§§ 2430-2454).

19. New York Sports Authority (§§ 2460-2488).

21. Saratoga Springs City Center Authority

(§§ 2490-a--2490-q).

25. New York City Sports Authority (§§ 2500-2521).

26. New York City Stabilization Reserve Corporation

(§§ 2530-2551).

27. New York Convention Center Operating Corporation

(§§ 2560-2572).

27-A. Greater Rochester Sports Authority (§§ 2576--2598).

28. New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority (§§


28-A. Hudson-Mohawk Urban Cultural Park Commission

(§§ 2630-2641).

28-AA. Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Allegany and Steuben Southern

Tier Extension Railroad Authority (§§ 2642--2642-s).

28-B. Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority

(§§ 2650-2674).

28-BB. Albany Convention Center Authority (§§ 2675-a--2675-r).

28-C. Albany County Pine Hills Land Authority (§§ 2676--2676-x).

29. Development Authority of the North Country Act

(§§ 2700-2724).

31. Monroe County Airport Authority (§§ 2750-2775).

32. Albany County Airport Authority (§§ 2776--2799-b).

33. New York City Transitional Finance Authority

(§§ 2799-aa--2799-uu).

34. Syracuse Regional Airport Authority


35. Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (§§
