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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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General Provisions
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A

Title 1. Reports by pubic authorities (§§ 2800-2807).

2. Boards of public authorities (§§ 2824-2829).

3. Employees of Public Authorities (§§ 2850-2854).

3-A. Business practices of public authorities (§ 2855-2858).

4. Contracts of public authorities (§§ 2875-2881).

5. Funds and accounts of public authorities (§ 2890).

5-A. Disposition of property by public authorities

(§§ 2895-2897).

6. Eminent domain taking; property of public benefit

corporation (§ 2900).

7. Investments of public authorities (§§ 2925-2927).

8. Internal control responsibilities of public authorities

(§§ 2930-2932).

9. Interest rates on public authority bonds and notes

(§ 2960).

10. State governmental cost recovery system (§§ 2975-2977).

11. Wrongful death actions (§§ 2980-2985).

12. Whistleblower access and assistance program (§ 2986).

12-a. Public authorities lobbying contacts (§ 2987).