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Public Buildings (PBB) CHAPTER 44, ARTICLE 4-D
§ 90. Definitions. As used in this article:

1. "Authority" shall mean the power authority of the state of New York
established under title one of article five of the public authorities

2. "Decarbonization" and "decarbonize" means eliminating all on-site
combustion of fossil-fuels and associated co-pollutants with the
exception of back-up emergency generators and redundant systems needed
to address public health, safety and security, providing heating and
cooling through thermal energy, and thermal energy networks, from
non-combustion sources, and to the greatest extent feasible producing
on-site electricity that is one hundred percent renewable.

3. "Highest-emitting facilities" means state-owned facilities that are
among the highest producers of greenhouse gas emissions and collectively
account for at least thirty percent of the greenhouse gas emissions as
recorded by the authority's Build Smart NY program established pursuant
to Executive Order 88 of 2012.

4. "Thermal energy" shall have the meaning provided in subdivision
twenty-eight of section two of the public service law.

5. "Thermal energy network" shall have the same meaning as defined in
subdivision twenty-nine of section two of the public service law.

6. "State energy research and development authority" shall mean the
New York state energy research and development authority established
under title nine of article eight of the public authorities law.

7. "State-owned facilities" or "facilities" includes "building" as
defined by section eighty-one of this chapter, "dormitory" as defined by
section three hundred seventy of the education law, and "facility" as
defined by section three hundred seventy of the education law.