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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Labor requirements
Public Housing (PBG) CHAPTER 44-A, ARTICLE 8
§ 152. Labor requirements. All contracts of an authority involving
the employment, among others, of laborers, workmen or mechanics shall be
in conformity with the provisions of article eight of the labor law, and
such provisions shall be deemed terms of all such contracts; and for the
purpose of obtaining the prevailing rate of wages or fees for such
contracts, the authority shall proceed in the same manner as the
municipality in which the authority operates. All such contracts
involving the employment, among others, of architects, draftsmen or
technicians, whether or not working on the site of the project, shall
contain a provision requiring that the wages or fees prevailing in the
municipality shall be paid to such architects, draftsmen and
technicians; and for the purpose of obtaining the prevailing rate of
wages or fees, the authority shall proceed in the same manner as the
municipality proceeds in obtaining the prevailing rate of wages or fees
for laborers, workmen and mechanics; and the industrial commissioner of
the state or the municipal comptroller, as the case may be, shall
determine such prevailing rates of wages or fees upon application of an
authority in the same manner as provided by article eight of the labor
law for laborers, workmen and mechanics. Employees of all contractors
and subcontractors employed under or by virtue of such contracts shall
have the right to organize and to bargain collectively through
representatives of their own choosing.