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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
The selection dates indicate all change milestones for the entire volume, not just the location being viewed. Specifying a milestone date will retrieve the most recent version of the location before that date.
Laws repealed
Public Housing (PBG) CHAPTER 44-A, ARTICLE 11
§ 227. Laws repealed. Of the laws enumerated in the schedule hereto
annexed, that portion specified in the last column is hereby repealed,
except as provided in sections one hundred ninety-three and two hundred
Laws of Chapter Sections
1926 ....................... 823 .................. All
1927 ....................... 35 .................. All
1928 ....................... 722 .................. All
1930 ....................... 872 .................. All
1931 ....................... 557 .................. All
1931 ....................... 558 .................. All
1932 ....................... 507 .................. All
1933 ....................... 802 .................. All
1934 ....................... 4 .................. All
1934 ....................... 540 .................. All
1935 ....................... 310 .................. All
1937 ....................... 207 .................. All
1937 ....................... 738 .................. All
1938 ....................... 218 .................. All
1938 ....................... 270 .................. All
1938 ....................... 395 .................. All
1938 ....................... 461 .................. All
1938 ....................... 489 .................. All