Public Health
AN ACT in relation to the public health, constituting chapter
forty-five of the consolidated laws
Became a law April 20, 1953, with the approval of the Governor. Passed,
by a majority vote, three-fifths being present
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:
1. Short title and definitions: general provisions
Title I. Short title and definitions (§§ 1-2).
II. General provisions (§§ 10-24).
III. Office of the medicaid inspector general (§§
2. The department of health.
Title I. Officers and employees (§§ 200--211-a).
II. The public health council (§§ 220-229).
II-A. Professional medical conduct (§§ 230--230-e).
* II-B. New York state health services corps (§§
* NB Expired July 18, 1996
II-C. Charles D. Cook office of rural health (§§
II-D. Health care practitioner referrals (§§
II-E. HIV/HBV/HCV prevention training (§§
II-F. Office of minority health (§§ 240*-244*).
III. State health areas (§§ 240-243).
IV. Spinal cord injury research board (§§ 250-251).
V. Health care practitioner volunteer pilot
program (§ 260).
V*. Obesity prevention act (§§ 260*-263).
5-A. Empire State Stem Cell Board (§§ 265--265-f).
VI. Women's Health (§§ 266-268).
6-A. The 21st century workgroup for disease
elimination and reduction (§ 266-a).
VII. NY State of Health (§§ 268-268-h).
8. Hunger prevention and nutrition assistance
program (§ 269).
2-A. Prescription drugs.
Title I. Preferred drug and clinical drug review
programs (§§ 270-277).
II. Prescription drugs; various provisions (§§
III. Prescription forms, electronic prescribing and
language assistance (§ 281).
2-B. Drug take back (§§ 290-294).
3. Local health organization.
Title I. Local boards of health; general provisions (§§
II. Local health officers (§§ 320-329).
III. County and part-county health districts (§§
IV. Certain cities (§§ 360-378).
V. State park health districts (§§ 380-383).
VI. Consolidated health districts (§§ 390-399).
4. Property and hospitals in the department of health
Title I. General provisions (§§ 401-410).
II. Hospitals; boards of visitors (§§ 420-425).
IV. Hospitals; officers and employees (§§ 450-455).
4-A. Regulation of body piercing and tattooing (§§ 460-467).
4-B. Tongue-splitting (§ 470).
5. Laboratories
Title I. General provisions: state laboratories;
approved laboratories (§§ 500-506).
II. County laboratories (§§ 520-528).
III. City laboratories (§§ 540-545).
IV. Laboratory supply stations (§§ 560-563).
V. Clinical laboratory and blood banking services
(§§ 570-581).
VI. Laboratory business practices (§§ 585-588).
6. State aid to cities and counties
Title I. State aid for basic services (§§ 600-607).
II. State aid for additional services (§§ 608-613).
III. State aid; general provisions (§§ 614-621).
6-A. Rape crisis intervention and prevention program (§§
7. Federal grants-in-aid (§§ 700-703).
8. State health research council (§§ 800-803).
9. Primary care education and training (§§ 900-907).
9-A. New York state small business health insurance partnership
program (§§ 921-922).
9-B. Primary Care Service Corps Practitioner Loan Repayment
Program (§§ 923-924).
11. Public water supplies; sewerage and sewage control
Title I. Potable waters (§§ 1100--1114-b).
II. Realty subdivisions: water supply (§§
II-A. Water supply emergency plans (§ 1125).
III. Annual water supply statement (§§ 1150-1153).
IV. Drinking water revolving fund (§§ 1160-1169).
13. Nuisances and sanitation
Title I. General provisions: control and abatement (§§
II. Noxious weeds and growths (§§ 1320-1321).
III. Tenement house sanitation (§ 1325).
IV. Labor camp sanitation (§ 1330).
V. Suppression of certain businesses (§§
VI. Bathing establishments (§§ 1340-1342).
VII. Hotel sanitation (§§ 1345-1348).
VIII. Food handling (§§ 1350-1356).
IX. Location and disposition of radioactive gold
jewelry (§ 1360).
X. Control of lead poisoning (§§ 1370-1377).
XI. State aid; planning for construction of solid
waste management facilities (§§ 1380-1383).
XII. Toxic substances (§§ 1385-1389).
XII-A. Inactive hazardous waste disposal sites
XIII. Storage, treatment and disposal of infectious
waste (§§ 1389-aa--1389-gg).
13-A. State camp safety advisory council (§ 1390).
13-B. Regulation of overnight, summer day, and traveling summer day
camps for children (§§ 1391-1396).
13-D. Regulation of housing; used as accommodations by employees of
certain motels and hotels (§§ 1399-j--1399-m).
13-E. Regulation of smoking and vaping in certain public areas (§§
13-F. Regulation of tobacco products and herbal cigarettes;
distribution to minors (§§ 1399-aa--1399-mm-3).
13-G. Tobacco escrow funds (§§ 1399-nn--1399-pp).
13-H. Regulation of sharps (§§ 1399-ss--1399-ww).
14. Regulation of camps for children (§§ 1400-1408).
15. Insect control
Title I. Municipal insect control (§§ 1500-1503).
II. County insect control (§§ 1520-1531).
16. Pesticide control board (§§ 1601-1609).
17. Ingredient disclosures for vapor products and e-cigarettes
(§§ 1700-1702).
20. Reporting of Alzheimer's Disease (§§ 2000--2004-a).
20-A. Alzheimer's Community Assistance Program (§§ 2005-2009).
20-B. State Parkinson's disease registry (§§ 2010-2014).
21. Control of acute communicable diseases
Title I. General provisions (§§ 2100-2112).
II. Control of patients (§§ 2120-2125).
III. Human immunodeficiency virus (§§ 2130-2139).
IV. Rabies (§§ 2140-2146).
V. Typhoid fever (§§ 2150-2153).
VI. Poliomyelitis and Other Diseases (§§
VII. Hepatitis C (§§ 2170-2171).
8. Novel coronavirus, COVID-19 (§§ 2180-2183).
21-A. Long-term care resident and employee immunization act (§§
22. Control of tuberculosis
Title I. General provisions (§§ 2200-2207).
II. Control (§§ 2221-2230).
23. Control of sexually transmissible diseases
Title I. Care and treatment (§§ 2300-2312).
II. Houses of prostitution: injunction and
abatement (§§ 2320-2334).
24. Control of malignant diseases
Title I. General provisions (§§ 2400--2404-d).
Title I-A. Cancer Detection and Education Program (§§
Title I-B. Health Research Science Board (§§ 2410-2413).
II. State institute for the study of malignant
diseases (§§ 2420-2423).
24-A. Protection of human subjects (§§ 2440-2446).
24-B. Information program on dioxin (§ 2475).
24-C. Information program on low-level radioactive waste (§ 2485).
24-D. New York state occupational health clinics oversight
committee (§§ 2490--2490-a).
24-E. Information about hysterectomy (§§ 2495--2499-a).
25. Maternal and child health
Title I. General provisions (§§ 2500--2509-d).
I-A. Child health insurance plan (§§ 2510-2511).
1-B. Adolescent pregnancy prevention and services
program (§§ 2515-2515-c).
II. Prenatal care (§§ 2522-2532).
II-A. Early intervention program for infants and
toddlers with disabilities and their families
(§§ 2540--2559-b).
III-A. Community doula expansion program (§§
IV. Institutions for children (§§ 2570-2575).
V. Children with physical disabilities (§§
VI*. Federal child care and adult food program (§§
* VI. Emergency nutrition aid program for pregnant
women and adolescents (§§ 2590-2592)
* NB Expired March 31, 1986
VII. Youth sports (§ 2595).
VIII. Childhood obesity prevention program (§§
25-A. Reproductive health act (§§ 2599-aa--2599-bb).
25-B. Gestational surrogacy (§ 2599-cc).
26. Helen Hayes Hospital (§§ 2600-2602).
26-A. New York state veterans' home (§§ 2630-2635).
27. Bureau of chronic disease and geriatrics (§§ 2700-2702).
27-A. Osteoporosis prevention and education (§§ 2705-2706).
27-AA. New York state kidney disease institute (§§ 2710-2712).
27-B. Treatment of hypertension.
Title I. Mary Lasker Heart and Hypertension Institute
(§§ 2720-2722).
II. Centers for the treatment of hypertension (§§
27-C. Birth defects institute (§§ 2730-2733).
27-CC. New York state traumatic brain injury program (§§ 2740-2744).
27-CCC. Leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research, education and
treatment program (§ 2747).
27-D. New York state burns care institute (§§ 2750-2752).
27-DD. State advisory panel on HIV/HBV infected health care workers
(§§ 2760-2761).
27-E. The acquired immune deficiency syndrome institute (§§
27-F. HIV and AIDS related information (§§ 2780-2787).
27-G. Adult cystic fibrosis assistance program (§ 2795).
27-H*. Diabetes research and education program (§ 2796).
27-H. The Tick-Borne Disease Institute (§§ 2797--2798).
27-K. New York Wellness Works (§§ 2799-o--2799-r).
28. Hospitals (§§ 2800-2831).
28-A. Nursing home companies (§§ 2850-2869).
28-B. Hospital mortgage loan construction (§§ 2870-2883).
28-C. Nurse manpower center (§§ 2890-2892).
28-D. Practice of nursing home administration
Title I. General provisions and public policy (§§
II. Licensing and registration (§§ 2896--2896-h).
III. Violations; penalties (§§ 2897--2897-d).
IV. Construction (§§ 2898--2898-a).
28-E. Review of criminal history information concerning prospective
employees of nursing homes and home care services agencies
(§§ 2899--2899-a).
29. Hospital survey, planning and review (§§ 2901-2907).
29-A. Access to community health care services in rural areas.
Title I. Rural health care access (§§ 2950-2958).
1-A. Rural dentistry pilot program (§ 2958-a).
29-AA. Patient centered medical homes (§ 2959-a).
29-C. Health care agents and proxies (§§ 2980-2994).
29-CC. Family health care decisions act (§§ 2994-a--2994-u).
29-CCC. Nonhospital orders not to resuscitate (§§ 2994-aa--2994-gg).
29-CCCC. CARE act (caregiver advise, record and enable act)
(§§ 2994-hh--2994-mm).
29-D. Health information and quality improvement.
Title I. Health information (§§ 2995--2997-f-1).
1-A. Safe patient handling (§§ 2997-g--2997-l).
II. Quality improvement (§§ 2998--2999-a).
3. Pay for performance (§§ 2999-b--2999-f).
4. New York state medical indemnity fund (§§
5. New York state hospital quality initiative (§
29-E. Accountable care organizations demonstration program (§§
29-EE. Program of all-inclusive care for the elderly (§§
29-F. Improved integration of health care and financing (§§
29-G. Telehealth delivery of services (§§ 2999-cc--2999-ee).
29-I. Medical services for foster children (§ 2999-gg).
29-J. Medical respite program (§ 2999-hh).
29-K. Registration of temporary health care services agencies and
health care technology platforms (§§ 2999-ii--2999-mm).
30. Emergency medical services (§§ 3000-3034).
30-A. Emergency medical services personnel training act of nineteen
hundred eighty-six (§§ 3050-3054).
30-B. Emergency medical, trauma and disaster care (§§ 3060-3066).
30-C. Emergency medical services for children (§§ 3070-3075).
31. Human blood and transfusion services
Title I. General provisions (§ 3100).
II. Regulation of the business of blood donating
(§§ 3120-3122).
III. Blood donors of the age of eighteen years or
over (§§3123-3124).
32. Live pathogenic microorganisms or viruses (§§ 3200-3203).
32-A. Recombinant DNA Experiments (§§ 3220-3223).
33. Controlled substances
Title I. General provisions (§§ 3300-3309-b).
II. Manufacture and distribution of controlled
substances (§§ 3310-3322).
2-A. Opioid stewardship act (§ 3323).
III. Research, instructional activities, and
chemical analysis relating to controlled
substances (§§ 3324-3329).
IV. Dispensing to ultimate users (§§ 3330-3345).
V. Dispensing to addicts and habitual users (§§
V-A. Medical use of marihuana (§§ 3360--3369-e).
VI. Records and reports (§§ 3370-3374).
VII. Offenses, violations and enforcement (§§
33-A. Controlled substances therapeutic research act (§§
33-B Regulation of cannabinoid hemp and hemp extract (§§
34. Funeral directing
Title I. General provisions (§§ 3400-3404).
II. Licensing and registration (§§ 3420-3429).
III. Practice of funeral directing; funeral
establishments (§§ 3440-3444).
IV. Enforcement and discipline; violations and
penalties (§§ 3450-3457).
35. Practice of x-ray technology
Title I. General provisions and public policy (§§
II. Licensing and registration (§§ 3502-3509).
III. Violations; penalties (§§ 3510-3514).
IV. Construction (§§ 3515-3518).
35-A. Ultraviolet radiation devices (§§ 3550-3556).
36. Home Care Services (§§ 3600-3622).
36-A. Medical equipment service agencies (§§ 3650-3656).
37. Physician's assistants and specialist's assistants (§§
37-A. Specialist assistants (§ 3710-3711).
38. Veterans health manpower center (§§ 3800-3803).
39. New York State Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health
(§§ 3900-3908).
40. Hospice (§§ 4000-4015).
41. Vital statistics
Title I. General provisions (§§ 4100-4104).
II. Registration districts: registrars, physicians,
midwives and funeral directors (§§ 4120-4124).
III. Registration of births (§§ 4130--4138-e).
III-A. Filing of certificates of dissolution of
marriage (§ 4139).
IV. Registration of deaths; burial permits (§§
V. Registration of fetal deaths (§§ 4160-4163).
V-A. Induced viable births.
VI. Registration of persons in institutions (§
VII. Vital statistics records (§§ 4170-4179).
42. Cadavers
Title I. Disposition (§§ 4200-4203).
II. Autopsy and dissection (§§ 4209-4222).
43. Anatomical gifts (§§ 4300-4310).
43-A. Request for consent to an anatomical gift (§ 4351).
43-B. Organ procurement and donor support
Title 1. Organ, tissue and body parts procurement and
storage (§§ 4360-4369).
2. Living organ donation (§§ 4370-4372).
44. Health maintenance organizations (§§ 4400-4416).
45. Medical referral services (§§ 4500-4503).
45-A. Disclosure of material transactions (§§ 4550-4552).
46. Continuing care retirement communities (§§ 4600-4624).
46-A. Fee-for-service continuing care retirement communities
demonstration program (§§ 4650-4676).
46-B. Assisted living.
Title I. Findings and definitions (§§ 4650*-4651*).
II. Assisted living (§§ 4652*-4653*).
III. Enhanced assisted living certificate (§§
IV. General requirements (§§ 4656*-4663*).
47. Shared health facilities (§§ 4700-4718).
48. Toxic substances (§§ 4800-4808).
49. Utilization review.
Title I. Certification of agents and utilization review
process (§§ 4900-4908).
II. Right to external appeal (§§ 4910-4917).
49-A. Medical debt reporting (§§ 4925-4927).
50. Separability clause; saving clause; construction; laws
repealed; time of taking effect (§§ 5000-5003).
AN ACT in relation to the public health, constituting chapter
forty-five of the consolidated laws
Became a law April 20, 1953, with the approval of the Governor. Passed,
by a majority vote, three-fifths being present
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:
1. Short title and definitions: general provisions
Title I. Short title and definitions (§§ 1-2).
II. General provisions (§§ 10-24).
III. Office of the medicaid inspector general (§§
2. The department of health.
Title I. Officers and employees (§§ 200--211-a).
II. The public health council (§§ 220-229).
II-A. Professional medical conduct (§§ 230--230-e).
* II-B. New York state health services corps (§§
* NB Expired July 18, 1996
II-C. Charles D. Cook office of rural health (§§
II-D. Health care practitioner referrals (§§
II-E. HIV/HBV/HCV prevention training (§§
II-F. Office of minority health (§§ 240*-244*).
III. State health areas (§§ 240-243).
IV. Spinal cord injury research board (§§ 250-251).
V. Health care practitioner volunteer pilot
program (§ 260).
V*. Obesity prevention act (§§ 260*-263).
5-A. Empire State Stem Cell Board (§§ 265--265-f).
VI. Women's Health (§§ 266-268).
6-A. The 21st century workgroup for disease
elimination and reduction (§ 266-a).
VII. NY State of Health (§§ 268-268-h).
8. Hunger prevention and nutrition assistance
program (§ 269).
2-A. Prescription drugs.
Title I. Preferred drug and clinical drug review
programs (§§ 270-277).
II. Prescription drugs; various provisions (§§
III. Prescription forms, electronic prescribing and
language assistance (§ 281).
2-B. Drug take back (§§ 290-294).
3. Local health organization.
Title I. Local boards of health; general provisions (§§
II. Local health officers (§§ 320-329).
III. County and part-county health districts (§§
IV. Certain cities (§§ 360-378).
V. State park health districts (§§ 380-383).
VI. Consolidated health districts (§§ 390-399).
4. Property and hospitals in the department of health
Title I. General provisions (§§ 401-410).
II. Hospitals; boards of visitors (§§ 420-425).
IV. Hospitals; officers and employees (§§ 450-455).
4-A. Regulation of body piercing and tattooing (§§ 460-467).
4-B. Tongue-splitting (§ 470).
5. Laboratories
Title I. General provisions: state laboratories;
approved laboratories (§§ 500-506).
II. County laboratories (§§ 520-528).
III. City laboratories (§§ 540-545).
IV. Laboratory supply stations (§§ 560-563).
V. Clinical laboratory and blood banking services
(§§ 570-581).
VI. Laboratory business practices (§§ 585-588).
6. State aid to cities and counties
Title I. State aid for basic services (§§ 600-607).
II. State aid for additional services (§§ 608-613).
III. State aid; general provisions (§§ 614-621).
6-A. Rape crisis intervention and prevention program (§§
7. Federal grants-in-aid (§§ 700-703).
8. State health research council (§§ 800-803).
9. Primary care education and training (§§ 900-907).
9-A. New York state small business health insurance partnership
program (§§ 921-922).
9-B. Primary Care Service Corps Practitioner Loan Repayment
Program (§§ 923-924).
11. Public water supplies; sewerage and sewage control
Title I. Potable waters (§§ 1100--1114-b).
II. Realty subdivisions: water supply (§§
II-A. Water supply emergency plans (§ 1125).
III. Annual water supply statement (§§ 1150-1153).
IV. Drinking water revolving fund (§§ 1160-1169).
13. Nuisances and sanitation
Title I. General provisions: control and abatement (§§
II. Noxious weeds and growths (§§ 1320-1321).
III. Tenement house sanitation (§ 1325).
IV. Labor camp sanitation (§ 1330).
V. Suppression of certain businesses (§§
VI. Bathing establishments (§§ 1340-1342).
VII. Hotel sanitation (§§ 1345-1348).
VIII. Food handling (§§ 1350-1356).
IX. Location and disposition of radioactive gold
jewelry (§ 1360).
X. Control of lead poisoning (§§ 1370-1377).
XI. State aid; planning for construction of solid
waste management facilities (§§ 1380-1383).
XII. Toxic substances (§§ 1385-1389).
XII-A. Inactive hazardous waste disposal sites
XIII. Storage, treatment and disposal of infectious
waste (§§ 1389-aa--1389-gg).
13-A. State camp safety advisory council (§ 1390).
13-B. Regulation of overnight, summer day, and traveling summer day
camps for children (§§ 1391-1396).
13-D. Regulation of housing; used as accommodations by employees of
certain motels and hotels (§§ 1399-j--1399-m).
13-E. Regulation of smoking and vaping in certain public areas (§§
13-F. Regulation of tobacco products and herbal cigarettes;
distribution to minors (§§ 1399-aa--1399-mm-3).
13-G. Tobacco escrow funds (§§ 1399-nn--1399-pp).
13-H. Regulation of sharps (§§ 1399-ss--1399-ww).
14. Regulation of camps for children (§§ 1400-1408).
15. Insect control
Title I. Municipal insect control (§§ 1500-1503).
II. County insect control (§§ 1520-1531).
16. Pesticide control board (§§ 1601-1609).
17. Ingredient disclosures for vapor products and e-cigarettes
(§§ 1700-1702).
20. Reporting of Alzheimer's Disease (§§ 2000--2004-a).
20-A. Alzheimer's Community Assistance Program (§§ 2005-2009).
20-B. State Parkinson's disease registry (§§ 2010-2014).
21. Control of acute communicable diseases
Title I. General provisions (§§ 2100-2112).
II. Control of patients (§§ 2120-2125).
III. Human immunodeficiency virus (§§ 2130-2139).
IV. Rabies (§§ 2140-2146).
V. Typhoid fever (§§ 2150-2153).
VI. Poliomyelitis and Other Diseases (§§
VII. Hepatitis C (§§ 2170-2171).
8. Novel coronavirus, COVID-19 (§§ 2180-2183).
21-A. Long-term care resident and employee immunization act (§§
22. Control of tuberculosis
Title I. General provisions (§§ 2200-2207).
II. Control (§§ 2221-2230).
23. Control of sexually transmissible diseases
Title I. Care and treatment (§§ 2300-2312).
II. Houses of prostitution: injunction and
abatement (§§ 2320-2334).
24. Control of malignant diseases
Title I. General provisions (§§ 2400--2404-d).
Title I-A. Cancer Detection and Education Program (§§
Title I-B. Health Research Science Board (§§ 2410-2413).
II. State institute for the study of malignant
diseases (§§ 2420-2423).
24-A. Protection of human subjects (§§ 2440-2446).
24-B. Information program on dioxin (§ 2475).
24-C. Information program on low-level radioactive waste (§ 2485).
24-D. New York state occupational health clinics oversight
committee (§§ 2490--2490-a).
24-E. Information about hysterectomy (§§ 2495--2499-a).
25. Maternal and child health
Title I. General provisions (§§ 2500--2509-d).
I-A. Child health insurance plan (§§ 2510-2511).
1-B. Adolescent pregnancy prevention and services
program (§§ 2515-2515-c).
II. Prenatal care (§§ 2522-2532).
II-A. Early intervention program for infants and
toddlers with disabilities and their families
(§§ 2540--2559-b).
III-A. Community doula expansion program (§§
IV. Institutions for children (§§ 2570-2575).
V. Children with physical disabilities (§§
VI*. Federal child care and adult food program (§§
* VI. Emergency nutrition aid program for pregnant
women and adolescents (§§ 2590-2592)
* NB Expired March 31, 1986
VII. Youth sports (§ 2595).
VIII. Childhood obesity prevention program (§§
25-A. Reproductive health act (§§ 2599-aa--2599-bb).
25-B. Gestational surrogacy (§ 2599-cc).
26. Helen Hayes Hospital (§§ 2600-2602).
26-A. New York state veterans' home (§§ 2630-2635).
27. Bureau of chronic disease and geriatrics (§§ 2700-2702).
27-A. Osteoporosis prevention and education (§§ 2705-2706).
27-AA. New York state kidney disease institute (§§ 2710-2712).
27-B. Treatment of hypertension.
Title I. Mary Lasker Heart and Hypertension Institute
(§§ 2720-2722).
II. Centers for the treatment of hypertension (§§
27-C. Birth defects institute (§§ 2730-2733).
27-CC. New York state traumatic brain injury program (§§ 2740-2744).
27-CCC. Leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research, education and
treatment program (§ 2747).
27-D. New York state burns care institute (§§ 2750-2752).
27-DD. State advisory panel on HIV/HBV infected health care workers
(§§ 2760-2761).
27-E. The acquired immune deficiency syndrome institute (§§
27-F. HIV and AIDS related information (§§ 2780-2787).
27-G. Adult cystic fibrosis assistance program (§ 2795).
27-H*. Diabetes research and education program (§ 2796).
27-H. The Tick-Borne Disease Institute (§§ 2797--2798).
27-K. New York Wellness Works (§§ 2799-o--2799-r).
28. Hospitals (§§ 2800-2831).
28-A. Nursing home companies (§§ 2850-2869).
28-B. Hospital mortgage loan construction (§§ 2870-2883).
28-C. Nurse manpower center (§§ 2890-2892).
28-D. Practice of nursing home administration
Title I. General provisions and public policy (§§
II. Licensing and registration (§§ 2896--2896-h).
III. Violations; penalties (§§ 2897--2897-d).
IV. Construction (§§ 2898--2898-a).
28-E. Review of criminal history information concerning prospective
employees of nursing homes and home care services agencies
(§§ 2899--2899-a).
29. Hospital survey, planning and review (§§ 2901-2907).
29-A. Access to community health care services in rural areas.
Title I. Rural health care access (§§ 2950-2958).
1-A. Rural dentistry pilot program (§ 2958-a).
29-AA. Patient centered medical homes (§ 2959-a).
29-C. Health care agents and proxies (§§ 2980-2994).
29-CC. Family health care decisions act (§§ 2994-a--2994-u).
29-CCC. Nonhospital orders not to resuscitate (§§ 2994-aa--2994-gg).
29-CCCC. CARE act (caregiver advise, record and enable act)
(§§ 2994-hh--2994-mm).
29-D. Health information and quality improvement.
Title I. Health information (§§ 2995--2997-f-1).
1-A. Safe patient handling (§§ 2997-g--2997-l).
II. Quality improvement (§§ 2998--2999-a).
3. Pay for performance (§§ 2999-b--2999-f).
4. New York state medical indemnity fund (§§
5. New York state hospital quality initiative (§
29-E. Accountable care organizations demonstration program (§§
29-EE. Program of all-inclusive care for the elderly (§§
29-F. Improved integration of health care and financing (§§
29-G. Telehealth delivery of services (§§ 2999-cc--2999-ee).
29-I. Medical services for foster children (§ 2999-gg).
29-J. Medical respite program (§ 2999-hh).
29-K. Registration of temporary health care services agencies and
health care technology platforms (§§ 2999-ii--2999-mm).
30. Emergency medical services (§§ 3000-3034).
30-A. Emergency medical services personnel training act of nineteen
hundred eighty-six (§§ 3050-3054).
30-B. Emergency medical, trauma and disaster care (§§ 3060-3066).
30-C. Emergency medical services for children (§§ 3070-3075).
31. Human blood and transfusion services
Title I. General provisions (§ 3100).
II. Regulation of the business of blood donating
(§§ 3120-3122).
III. Blood donors of the age of eighteen years or
over (§§3123-3124).
32. Live pathogenic microorganisms or viruses (§§ 3200-3203).
32-A. Recombinant DNA Experiments (§§ 3220-3223).
33. Controlled substances
Title I. General provisions (§§ 3300-3309-b).
II. Manufacture and distribution of controlled
substances (§§ 3310-3322).
2-A. Opioid stewardship act (§ 3323).
III. Research, instructional activities, and
chemical analysis relating to controlled
substances (§§ 3324-3329).
IV. Dispensing to ultimate users (§§ 3330-3345).
V. Dispensing to addicts and habitual users (§§
V-A. Medical use of marihuana (§§ 3360--3369-e).
VI. Records and reports (§§ 3370-3374).
VII. Offenses, violations and enforcement (§§
33-A. Controlled substances therapeutic research act (§§
33-B Regulation of cannabinoid hemp and hemp extract (§§
34. Funeral directing
Title I. General provisions (§§ 3400-3404).
II. Licensing and registration (§§ 3420-3429).
III. Practice of funeral directing; funeral
establishments (§§ 3440-3444).
IV. Enforcement and discipline; violations and
penalties (§§ 3450-3457).
35. Practice of x-ray technology
Title I. General provisions and public policy (§§
II. Licensing and registration (§§ 3502-3509).
III. Violations; penalties (§§ 3510-3514).
IV. Construction (§§ 3515-3518).
35-A. Ultraviolet radiation devices (§§ 3550-3556).
36. Home Care Services (§§ 3600-3622).
36-A. Medical equipment service agencies (§§ 3650-3656).
37. Physician's assistants and specialist's assistants (§§
37-A. Specialist assistants (§ 3710-3711).
38. Veterans health manpower center (§§ 3800-3803).
39. New York State Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health
(§§ 3900-3908).
40. Hospice (§§ 4000-4015).
41. Vital statistics
Title I. General provisions (§§ 4100-4104).
II. Registration districts: registrars, physicians,
midwives and funeral directors (§§ 4120-4124).
III. Registration of births (§§ 4130--4138-e).
III-A. Filing of certificates of dissolution of
marriage (§ 4139).
IV. Registration of deaths; burial permits (§§
V. Registration of fetal deaths (§§ 4160-4163).
V-A. Induced viable births.
VI. Registration of persons in institutions (§
VII. Vital statistics records (§§ 4170-4179).
42. Cadavers
Title I. Disposition (§§ 4200-4203).
II. Autopsy and dissection (§§ 4209-4222).
43. Anatomical gifts (§§ 4300-4310).
43-A. Request for consent to an anatomical gift (§ 4351).
43-B. Organ procurement and donor support
Title 1. Organ, tissue and body parts procurement and
storage (§§ 4360-4369).
2. Living organ donation (§§ 4370-4372).
44. Health maintenance organizations (§§ 4400-4416).
45. Medical referral services (§§ 4500-4503).
45-A. Disclosure of material transactions (§§ 4550-4552).
46. Continuing care retirement communities (§§ 4600-4624).
46-A. Fee-for-service continuing care retirement communities
demonstration program (§§ 4650-4676).
46-B. Assisted living.
Title I. Findings and definitions (§§ 4650*-4651*).
II. Assisted living (§§ 4652*-4653*).
III. Enhanced assisted living certificate (§§
IV. General requirements (§§ 4656*-4663*).
47. Shared health facilities (§§ 4700-4718).
48. Toxic substances (§§ 4800-4808).
49. Utilization review.
Title I. Certification of agents and utilization review
process (§§ 4900-4908).
II. Right to external appeal (§§ 4910-4917).
49-A. Medical debt reporting (§§ 4925-4927).
50. Separability clause; saving clause; construction; laws
repealed; time of taking effect (§§ 5000-5003).