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This entry was published on 2024-12-27
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SECTION 2500-M*2
Cesarean section; persons present
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 25, TITLE 1
* § 2500-m. Cesarean section; persons present. 1. No person shall be
denied the ability to have a doula present in the operating room, for
the duration such person is in an operating room, when such person is in
the operating room for the purposes of a cesarean section and has no
other support person available to them.

2. The department shall require all maternal healthcare facilities to
include and/or post on the maternal healthcare facility's webpage,
lobby, and patient waiting areas information stating a birthing parent
is allowed to have a doula present in the operating room, for the
duration of such person is in an operating room, when such person is in
the operating room for the purposes of a cesarean section when no other
support person is available to the birthing person. Such information
shall be written in layperson's language and shall be made available in
English and the six most common non-English languages spoken by
individuals with limited English proficiency in New York state as based
on the most recent census. The department shall produce and provide
maternal healthcare facilities with informational pamphlets stating a
birthing parent shall be allowed to have a doula present in the
operating room, for the duration of such person is in an operating room,
when such person is in the operating room for the purposes of a cesarean
section. The informational pamphlet shall be: available in each patient
waiting area as a printed deliverable; written in layperson's language;
and made available in English and the six most common non-English
languages spoken by individuals with limited English proficiency in New
York state as based on the most recent census.

* NB There are 2 § 2500-m's