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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Transfers of certain funds
Public Lands (PBL) CHAPTER 46, ARTICLE 2
§ 2-b. Transfers of certain funds. Subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, any funds which have been appropriated and/or
allocated for the operation or maintenance of state-owned real property
abandoned under section thirty-a shall be transferred to the office of
general services for the continued operation and maintenance of such
real property and any funds which have been allocated to or transferred
to any state agency for the operation or maintenance of state-owned real
property jurisdiction over which has been transferred pursuant to
subdivision four of section three shall be transferred to the agency
receiving such jurisdiction for the continued operation and maintenance
of such real property. As herein used, operation and maintenance shall
include, without limitation, fuel, utilities, repairs and upkeep,
supervision and security, and any local taxes or assessments.