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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Permits authorizing flow of springs
Public Lands (PBL) CHAPTER 46, ARTICLE 8
§ 92-b. Permits authorizing flow of springs. The commissioner of
parks and recreation may issue an annual permit permitting the flow of
such spring in such amount and at such times as such permit shall
specify. No permit shall be issued unless it appears that the flow of
such spring will not result in the depletion of the amount of flow, gas
or mineral content of the spring for which a permit is asked, or of any
other like spring, nor unless it also appears that the flow of said
spring is of scenic interest or that the flow of such spring is
necessary to regulate or protect the flow of neighboring springs. If at
any time it satisfactorily appears to the commissioner of parks and
recreation that the required conditions for issuing a permit no longer
exist, such permit may be revoked upon ten days notice.