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Public Service (PBS) CHAPTER 48, ARTICLE 8
* § 137. Definitions. Where used in this article, the following terms
shall have the following meanings:

1. "CLCPA targets" shall mean the public policies established in the
climate leadership and community protection act enacted in chapter one
hundred six of the laws of two thousand nineteen, including but not
limited to the requirement that a minimum of seventy percent of the
statewide electric generation be produced by renewable energy systems by
two thousand thirty, that by the year two thousand forty the statewide
electrical demand system will generate zero emissions, and the
procurement of at least nine gigawatts of offshore wind electricity
generation by two thousand thirty-five, six gigawatts of photovoltaic
solar generation by two thousand twenty-five and to support three
gigawatts of statewide energy storage capacity by two thousand thirty.

2. "Dormant electric generating site" shall mean a site at which one
or more electric generating facilities produced electricity but has
permanently ceased operating.

3. "Major electric transmission facility" means an electric
transmission line of a design capacity of one hundred twenty-five
kilovolts or more extending a distance of one mile or more, or of one
hundred kilovolts or more and less than one hundred twenty-five
kilovolts, extending a distance of ten miles or more, including
associated equipment, but shall not include any such transmission line
located wholly underground in a city with a population in excess of one
hundred twenty-five thousand or a primary transmission line approved by
the federal energy regulatory commission in connection with a
hydro-electric facility.

4. "Major renewable energy facility" means any renewable energy
system, as such term is defined in section sixty-six-p of this chapter,
with a nameplate generating capacity of twenty-five thousand kilowatts
or more, and any co-located system storing energy generated from such a
renewable energy system prior to delivering it to the bulk transmission
system, including all associated appurtenances to electric plants,
including electric transmission facilities less than ten miles in length
in order to provide access to load and to integrate such facilities into
the state's bulk electric transmission system.

5. "Landowner" means the holder of any right, title, or interest in
real property subject to a proposed site or right of way as identified
from the most recent tax roll of the appropriate municipality.

6. "Local agency" means any local agency, board, district, commission
or governing body, including any city, county, and other political
subdivision of the state.

7. "Local agency account" or "account" shall mean the account
established in subdivision seven of section ninety-four-c of the
executive law now repealed and continued in section one hundred
forty-five of this article.

8. "Municipality" shall mean a county, city, town, or village.

9. "Right-of-way" shall mean:

(a) real property that is used or authorized to be used for electric
utility purposes; or

(b) real property owned or controlled by or under the jurisdiction of
the state, a distribution utility, or a state public authority including
by means of ownership, lease or easement, that is used or authorized to
be used for transportation or canal purposes.

10. "ORES" shall mean the office of renewable energy siting and
electric transmission established pursuant to section three-c of this

11. "Executive director" or "director" shall mean the executive
director of the office of renewable energy siting and electric

12. "Major renewable energy facility siting permit" shall mean the
siting permit issued to a major renewable energy facility by the
executive director pursuant to this article, and the rules and
regulations promulgated by ORES and the department and approved by the

13. "Major electric transmission facility siting permit" shall mean
the siting permit issued to a major electric transmission facility by
the executive director pursuant to this article, and the rules and
regulations promulgated by ORES and the department.

* NB Repealed December 31, 2040