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This entry was published on 2024-06-21
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Voluntary third-party notification
Public Service (PBS) CHAPTER 48, ARTICLE 2
§ 40. Voluntary third-party notification. 1. Every utility corporation
or municipality shall permit a residential customer to designate a third
party to receive notice of the total amount due or past due on all
bills, the amounts of any payments paid by or on behalf of such
residential customer, and copies of all notices relating to termination
of service and notices relating to collection of amounts due sent to
such residential customer, provided that the designated third party
indicates in writing a willingness to receive such notices, and provided
further, where a residential customer opts for third-party
notifications, such residential customer may opt to continue to receive
such notices.

2. Every utility corporation or municipality shall permit a landlord,
upon written request of both the landlord and tenant, to designate a
third party to be notified of all requests for discontinuance of service
to units occupied by such tenant, provided that the designed third party
indicates in writing a willingness to receive such notices, and provided
further, where the tenant and landlord customers opt for third-party
notifications, such tenant and landlord customers may opt to continue to
receive such notices.