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This entry was published on 2014-12-26
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Net metering study
Public Service (PBS) CHAPTER 48, ARTICLE 4
§ 66-n. Net metering study. The commission shall conduct a study to
analyze the economic and environmental benefits from and the economic
cost burden, if any, of the net energy metering program and to analyze
the extent to which ratepayers receiving service under the net energy
metering program are paying the full cost of services provided to them
by combined electric and gas corporations and gas corporations, and the
extent to which their customers pay a share of costs of public purpose
programs through assessments on their electric and/or gas bills. In
analyzing program costs and benefits for the purposes of this study, the
commission shall consider all electricity generated by renewable
electric generating systems eligible for net metering under sections
sixty-six-j and sixty-six-l of this article, including the electricity
used onsite to reduce the customer's consumption of electricity that
would otherwise be supplied through the electrical grid, as well as
electrical output that is being fed back to the electrical grid for
which the customer receives credit or net surplus electricity
compensation under net energy metering. As it relates to the
environmental benefits, the study shall quantify the approximate avoided
level of harmful emissions including, but not limited to, information
concerning: nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, as well
as other air pollutants deemed necessary and appropriate for study by
the commission. The study shall also quantify the economic costs and
benefits of net energy metering to participants and non-participants and
shall further disaggregate the results by utility. The study shall also
gather and present data on the income distribution of residential net
metering participants that is publicly available and aggregated by zip
code and county. In order to assess the economic costs and benefits at
various levels of net metering implementation, the study shall be
conducted using multiple net energy metering penetration scenarios.

The commission shall publish a report from its findings. The report
must be published within three hundred sixty-five days of the effective
date of this section. A copy of the report must be furnished to the
temporary president of the Senate, the speaker of the Assembly, the
chair of the Senate energy and telecommunications committee and the
chair of the Assembly energy committee.