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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Complaints as to price of water; investigation by commission; forms of complaints
Public Service (PBS) CHAPTER 48, ARTICLE 4-B
§ 89-i. Complaints as to price of water; investigation by commission;
forms of complaints. Upon the complaint in writing of the mayor of a
city, the trustees of a village or the town board of a town in which a
person or corporation is authorized to supply or distribute water for
domestic, commercial or public uses, or upon the complaint in writing of
not less than twenty-five customers or purchasers of such water in such
municipality or upon complaint of a water-works corporation supplying
such water, as to the rates, charges or classifications of service for
water sold and delivered in such municipality, or upon the complaint in
writing of the department of state, or as to the methods employed in
furnishing such service, the commission shall investigate as to the
cause of such complaint. When such complaint is made, the commission
may, by its agents, examiners and inspectors, inspect the works, system,
plant, devices, appliances and methods used by such water-works
corporation in supplying and distributing such water, and may examine or
cause to be examined the books and papers of such water-works
corporation pertaining to the supplying and distributing of such water.
The form and contents of complaints made as provided in this section
shall be prescribed by the commission. Such complaints shall be signed
by the officers, or by the customers, purchasers or subscribers making
them, who must add to their signatures their places of residence, by
street and number, if any.