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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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SECTION 120.19
Assault on a retail worker
* § 120.19 Assault on a retail worker.

1. A person is guilty of assault on a retail worker when, with the
intent to prevent a retail worker from performing an act within the
scope of such worker's employment, such person causes physical injury to
such retail worker and the person knew or reasonably should have known
that such individual was a retail worker.

2. For the purposes of this section:

a. "Retail worker" shall mean any person whose usual place of work is
a retail establishment. This shall include, but is not limited to, an
employee of the retail establishment, an owner of the retail
establishment, or a person who works in the retail establishment under
arrangements made between the person and the establishment.

b. "Retail establishment" shall mean any physical business or
commercial entity engaged in the sale of goods, merchandise, or services
directly to consumers.

Assault on a retail worker is a class E felony.

* NB Effective October 17, 2024