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This entry was published on 2021-04-02
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SECTION 222.10
Restrictions on cannabis use
§ 222.10 Restrictions on cannabis use.

Unless otherwise authorized by law or regulation, no person shall:

1. smoke or vape cannabis in a location where smoking or vaping
cannabis is prohibited pursuant to article thirteen-E of the public
health law; or

2. smoke, vape or ingest cannabis or concentrated cannabis in or upon
the grounds of a school, as defined in subdivision ten of section eleven
hundred twenty-five of the education law or in or on a school bus, as
defined in section one hundred forty-two of the vehicle and traffic law;
provided, however, provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to
acts that are in compliance with article three of the cannabis law.

Notwithstanding any other section of law, violations of restrictions
on cannabis use are subject to a civil penalty not exceeding twenty-five
dollars or an amount of community service not exceeding twenty hours.