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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Exclusion, ejection of certain persons
Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law (PML) CHAPTER 47-A, ARTICLE 13, TITLE 5
§ 1343. Exclusion, ejection of certain persons. 1. A gaming facility
licensee may exclude or eject from its gaming facility any person who is
known to it to have been convicted of a crime or disorderly conduct
committed in or on the premises of any gaming facility.

2. Nothing in this section or in any other law of this state shall
limit the right of a gaming facility licensee to exercise its common law
right to exclude or eject permanently from its gaming facility any
person who disrupts the operations of its premises, threatens the
security of its premises or its occupants, or is disorderly or