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This entry was published on 2020-10-16
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Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law (PML) CHAPTER 47-A, ARTICLE 4
§ 430. Definitions. As used in sections four hundred thirty-one
through four hundred thirty-five of this article, the following terms
shall mean and include:

1. "Fund." The New York state quarter horse breeding and development
fund corporation established by section four hundred thirty-one of this

2. "Board." The board of directors of the corporation as such board is
constituted pursuant to section four hundred thirty-one of this article.

3. "New York-bred." A quarter horse foaled in New York state and
registered in the registry administered by quarter horse breeding
associations in this state designated by the commission.

4. "Breeder." The owner of the mare at the time the mare foals a New

5. "New York stallion." A stallion standing in New York at the time he
was bred to the dam of a New York-bred; a stallion must be registered
with the fund or its designated agent and must be:

a. Owned by a resident of this state and standing the entire stud
season in this state; or

b. Owned by a resident of another state but standing the entire stud
season in this state and leased by a resident of this state for a term
of not less than ten years; or

c. Owned jointly by a resident of this state together with a resident
of another state and standing the entire stud season in this state and
leased by a resident of this state for a term of not less than ten
years. Leases shall be filed with the fund or its designated agent.

6. "Stallion owner." The owner of a stallion standing in New York at
the time he was bred to the dam of a New York-bred.

7. "Races." Races upon which pari-mutuel wagering is conducted at
quarter horse race meetings of racing associations or corporations as
authorized by the commission.