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This entry was published on 2020-10-16
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Annual reports
Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law (PML) CHAPTER 47-A, ARTICLE 5
§ 517. Annual reports. In addition to the reports required by article
five-a of this chapter, within one hundred twenty days after the end of
the fiscal year of the corporation, the directors thereof shall submit
to the participating counties, the commission, and the state comptroller
a complete and detailed audited report setting forth:

1. its operations and accomplishments during such fiscal year;

2. its receipts and expenditures during such fiscal year in accordance
with categories or classifications established by the corporation for
its own operating and capital outlay purposes;

3. its assets and liabilities at the end of such fiscal year including
a schedule of its bonds, notes or other obligations and the status of
reserves, depreciations, special, sinking or other funds;

4. details of branch offices being planned or in the process of being
constructed or otherwise established and branch offices that have been
constructed or established; and

5. such other information relating to the operations of the
corporation as shall be deemed pertinent by the directors, the
participating counties, the commission, and the state comptroller.