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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Port of Albany 192/25 (POA) CHAPTER 192
§ 9. The fiscal year of the district shall be from July first to June
thirtieth, inclusive. Annually, in the month of June, the commission
shall file with the clerk and with the treasurer of each city in the
district, a statement of the amount to be raised upon the territory
within such city and paid to the commission, for the estimated
expenditures of the commission under this act during such fiscal year,
including construction cost, expenses other than for construction, and
installments of the district debt, if any, and interest, to fall due in
such year. The statement shall specify when the amount shall be paid to
the commission which shall, so far as practicable, be after the
collection of taxes next to be levied in or for such municipality. The
clerk of each city shall cause such statement to be presented to the
legislative governing body, and board of estimate, if any, of the city,
at its next meeting, and such board or body shall cause the amount
chargeable to the several parcels of real estate in the city to be
levied upon such real estate in the city by the first annual municipal
tax levy next occurring, in proportion to the valuation of the taxable
real property for city taxes. The amounts chargeable under this section,
when collected, shall be paid to the treasurer of the commission. In
determining the total amount to be raised for any fiscal year under this
section the commission shall deduct from its estimate of total
expenditures the probable amount of net revenues, if any, from its port
facilities, and the amount of any appropriations by the legislature to
be available in such year.

Prior to the first apportionment of construction cost to the several
municipalities, under this act, and the fixing of the decimal
representing the proportion of benefit, the expenses of the commission,
or so much thereof as may not be provided for by state appropriations,
annually shall be borne by the several cities in the proportion that the
assessed valuation of the taxable property in the district; and the
necessary statement shall be filed with each city clerk, as provided in
this section, and the provisions of this section, relative to levy and
collection of a tax to pay such amounts shall apply thereto.