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Private Housing Finance

AN ACT in relation to financial aids to private enterprise housing,

constituting chapter forty-four-b of the consolidated laws

Became a law April 22, 1961, with the approval of the Governor.

Passed, by a majority vote, three-fifths being present

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

Article Sections

1. Short title; definitions............................ 1 - 2

2. Limited-profit housing companies................. 10 - 37

3. New York State housing finance agency............ 40 - 62

3-A. Permanent housing for homeless families.......... 63 - 69

4. Limited dividend housing companies................ 70 - 97

5. Redevelopment companies......................... 100 - 128

6. Urban redevelopment corporations................ 200 - 221

6-A. Community development corporations.............. 250 - 261

7. Mortgage facilities corporation................. 300 - 313

7-A. Community senior citizens centers and

services companies............................ 350 - 365

8. Loans to owners of existing multiple

dwellings..................................... 400 - 408

8-A. Small loans to owners of multiple

dwellings to remove substandard or

insanitary conditions......................... 450 - 457

8-B. Loans to owners of one to four unit

private and multiple dwellings................ 470 - 478

9. Acquisition of property......................... 500 - 508

10. Sale or lease of projects....................... 550 - 560

11. Housing development fund companies.............. 570 - 582

12. New York city housing development

corporation................................... 650 - 670

13. Miscellaneous................................... 600 - 614

15. Participation loans to owners of

multiple dwellings by private investors

and municipalities utilizing federal

grant funds................................... 800 - 806

16. Neighborhood preservation companies............. 901 - 910

16-A. Urban initiatives............................... 920 - 924

17. Housing and community preservation

in rural areas.............................. 1001 - 1011

17-A. Rental assistance program for rural

areas....................................... 1020 - 1025

17-B. Rural area revitalization projects............ 1051 - 1057

18. Low income housing trust fund program......... 1100 - 1103

18-A Low income turnkey/enhanced housing

trust fund program....................... 1106 - 1106-J

19. Affordable home ownership development

program..................................... 1110 - 1113

20. Manufactured home cooperative fund

program..................................... 1120 - 1123

21. Infrastructure development demonstration

program..................................... 1130 - 1133

22. Affordable housing development loans.......... 1150 - 1153

24. National affordable housing act

program..................................... 1170 - 1174

25. New York access to home program............... 1200 - 1203

26. New York main street program.................. 1220 - 1222

27. Rural and urban community investment fund

program..................................... 1230 - 1232

29. Residential emergency services to offer home

repairs to the elderly program.............. 1260 - 1262

30. New York access to home for heroes program.... 1270 - 1272

31. Housing our neighbors with dignity program.... 1280 - 1282

32. New York housing for the future homeownership

and rental housing programs................. 1290 - 1291