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Technical services and assistance to corporations and rural areas
Private Housing Finance (PVH) CHAPTER 44-B, ARTICLE 17
§ 1006. Technical services and assistance to corporations and rural
areas. 1. In accordance with the policy of this article, the division
shall encourage the creation, development and strengthening of new
not-for-profit corporations to perform housing preservation and
community renewal activities in the rural areas of the state, and is
authorized to take all steps necessary to that end. The division shall
provide technical services and assistance to not-for-profit corporations
seeking to serve the housing or community renewal needs of rural areas,
to better enable such corporations to meet the requirements of, and
obtain funding under this article or any other program of governmental
assistance, federal, state or local, to carry out their present and
proposed activities, and otherwise to further the purposes and policy of
this article. Such services and assistance may be provided through the
division's own personnel and facilities, through contractual services,
or otherwise.

2. The affordable housing corporation or the housing trust fund
corporation, as the case may be, shall provide an incentive grant to
each corporation that is awarded a contract pursuant to article eighteen
or nineteen of this chapter. Such incentive grants shall consist of the
payment of an additional sum of money equal to three percent of the
amount payable to such corporation pursuant to each contract provided,
however, that such payment shall not be counted against the per dwelling
unit total imposed by subdivision one of section eleven hundred two of
this chapter or the per dwelling unit limitation imposed by subdivision
one of section eleven hundred twelve of this chapter, and provided
further that such additional amount shall not exceed forty thousand
dollars per contract. Such incentive grant shall be utilized either for
purposes consistent with the provisions of this article or for the cost
of housing preservation and community renewal activities related to such
contract and shall not be subject to the limitation on the amount of
funds which may be received by corporations contained in subdivision
four of section one thousand three of this article. Such incentive grant
shall be added to and considered a payment under the contract for
purposes of allocating funds to any single municipality.