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This entry was published on 2024-05-17
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Statement of legislative findings and purpose
Private Housing Finance (PVH) CHAPTER 44-B, ARTICLE 25
§ 1200. Statement of legislative findings and purpose. The legislature
hereby finds and declares that there exists in New York state a serious
need for financial and technical resources to assist renters and
property owners to make dwelling units accessible for low and moderate
income persons with disabilities. Providing assistance with the cost of
adapting homes will enable many New Yorkers with disabilities to safely
and comfortably continue to, or return to, live in their residences
instead of residing in an institutional setting. The division of housing
and community renewal shall undertake an ongoing effort to promote the
availability of the access to home programs to all potentially eligible
local administrators to encourage participation in the program. Such
actions shall include working with any other state agencies that provide
services to persons with disabilities to promote the access to home
programs. Such actions shall also include but are not limited to
providing contact and application information on the website for the
division of housing and community renewal for eligible local
administrators and potentially eligible beneficiaries which shall be
updated annually.