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The applicability of not-for-profit corporation law
Private Housing Finance (PVH) CHAPTER 44-B, ARTICLE 2
§ 13-a. The applicability of not-for-profit corporation law. 1. The
not-for-profit corporation law applies to every company heretofore or
hereafter formed under this article and the not-for-profit corporation
law, provided that:

(a) If any provision of the not-for-profit corporation law conflicts
with any provision of this article, the provision of this article shall
prevail and the conflicting provision of the not-for-profit corporation
law shall not apply in any such case. If any provision of this article
relates to a matter embraced in the not-for-profit corporation law but
is not in conflict therewith, both provisions shall apply.

(b) The following provisions of the not-for-profit corporation law
shall not apply to companies formed pursuant to this article and the
not-for-profit corporation law:

Paragraphs (7) and (8) of subdivision (a) of section one hundred
twelve, section one hundred thirteen, section one hundred fourteen,
section two hundred one, section three hundred four, section three
hundred seven, section four hundred four, subdivision (3) of paragraph
(a) of section five hundred ten, section six hundred nine, section six
hundred seventeen, paragraphs (a) and (b) of section eight hundred four,
article nine, section ten hundred eleven, section ten hundred twelve,
article thirteen, article fourteen.

2. Every corporation to which the not-for-profit corporation law is
made applicable by this section is a charitable corporation as defined
in paragraph (a) of section one hundred two (Definitions) of the
not-for-profit corporation law for all purposes of that law.